Welcome to my Blog!
Welcome to my blog! I hope everyone is doing well during this pandemic. I have taken the opportunity by staying home to begin something new, this website. It has been over a year that I started my blog on Instagram and Facebook. For this 2020, I want to create new material that perhaps posting on social media was not the best way to do it. Also, seeing other classmates and friends who had been using this gave me the courage to do it too. I want to share with you in more detail about sermons, my journey in ministry, and my personal experiences. All of this following our vision for this blog, which is, "Let us grow our faith in God together."
One way to grow our faith is by sharing our experiences. Because of this, I want to invite, to encourage you, to be bold, and share those experience that you had and continue to have with God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. And YOU CAN DO IT HERE! Feel free to send me an email to morefaithpersonalblog@gmail.com sharing your experience, tips that help you to grow your faith, and much more. I want to use this platform and social media to help others on this journey we call LIFE!
