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Pastoral Prayer - August 27

Hello everyone,

I hope this prayer can comfort your hearts in whatever situation you face. Feel free to send me your prayer requests or leave a comment on this post with your prayers. Know that I'm praying for you. I may not know you, but God knows you.

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"God, we come together this morning with grateful hearts for the many ways you continue to pour your love toward each of us. You are indeed a God of love. It helps us feel your love most when we struggle to find you. God, help us experience your grace when someone approaches us and says the words we need to hear to keep moving forward. Lead us, God, to be surrounded by people who will encourage us and not tear us down. Remove from our lives all those things that are not coming from you, God. Please remove all of those things that keep us away from seeking you, away from growing our faith in you.

We know that life is difficult, but when we put our faith in you as our foundation, all the burdens, struggles, and suffering will feel lighter because we share them with you. You walk with us, holding our hands, because God, you never leave us alone. It helps us be strong when we don’t feel your presence. Help us, God, to be hopeful when we don’t hear you. Help us to be patient when our prayers are not answered right away.

God, help us learn to hear to you even in the loudest places. Please help us to see you even in the darkest room. Please help us to trust you in everything that we do. Help us learn to serve you not only when we are helping in a ministry here at church but in our home, work, and everything that we do. Help us to show that Christ lives in us. Your son, Jesus Christ, transforms us into the person you want us to become. One that shows your greatest commandment is to love you and one another. In that love, we can ask for forgiveness when we make mistakes, and when someone hurts us, we can forgive. That in that love, we can be living witness of your salvation through your son Jesus. In that love, we can do our part not to stay quiet when witnessing an injustice. That in that love, we can work together to make the world a better place.

Lastly, God listens to each of our hearts here in this place. We thank you for your presence among us, for listening, and for responding in the many ways you manifest. We lift all our prayers, knowing God that you love us, and we conclude by praying as the body of Christ, the prayer that he taught us to pray…"

  • Do you live close to Dallas area? If yes, are you part of a community of faith? If not yet, you can be my guest at Spring Valley Church this coming Sunday!

  • If you would like some spiritual guidance, feel free to send me an email at


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